Saturday, June 25, 2011

The New Versions are NOT Easier

One of the top reasons that people use the new versions is because they have been lied to about the new versions being easier to read. This is the biggest lie put out by all the new version publishers.

In fact, the Flesch-Kincaid Reach Company's Grade Level Indicator showed that the King James Bible is easier to read than the new versions. The grade level average for the KJV was 5.8, while the NIV was 8.4, the NASV was 6.1 and the NKJV was 6.9.

Some of the many reasons the King James Bible is easier to read compared to the new versions is the fact that it has less syllables per word, less letters per word, less words per sentence, a smaller percentage of long words and a greater percentage of shorter words. The new version publishers do not tell you the facts, rather they lie to you and say theirs is easier in order to sell their "bible".

1 Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is the root of all evil.." KJV

According to Pro-Sribe's readability statistics the New Testament of the King James Bible is easier to read than USA Today, People Magazine and even most children's books. The statistics showed that the KJV New Testament had a 3% for words over 9 letters, while USA Today and People Magazine had 10% and children's books had 8%.

Dr. Rudolf Flesch, a leading authority, author and researcher on readability statistics states that the King James Bible is a great example of plain speech and praises it for it's ease of reading.

The Story of English, a national bestseller stated that the difference between the King James Bible and Shakespeare's plays was that the King James Bible was "God's teaching in homely English for everyman", while Shakespeare's plays were written in more difficult English. The King James Bible being as hard to read as Shakespeare is a myth put out by unlearned people.

The King James Bible not only holds poetic beauty, but the words in it are easier than the new version's words. Below are just a few of the examples of the new version's using more difficult words compared to the words of the King James Bible.

Matthew 9:17 - NASV / wineskins - KJV / bottles
Matthew 1:11 - NASV / deportation - KJV / carried away
Luke 6:22 - NASV / ostracize - KJV / separate you from their company
1 Thes. 2:18 - NASV / thwarted - KJV / hindered
1 Tim. 3:3 - NASV / pugnacious - KJV / striker
1 Tim. 3:8 - NASV / sordid - KJV / filthy
1 Tim. 6:16 - NASV / a pang - KJV / sorrows
Hebrews 7:2 - NASV / apportioned - KJV / gave
Hebrews 12:1 - NASV / encumbrance - KJV / weight
Revelation 6:8 - NASV / ashen - KJV / pale
Revelation 18:1 - NASV / illumined - KJV / lightened

I could go on and on, but you get the picture.  The new versions are not easier to read at all, rather they have corrupted various Bible doctrines, such as the deity of Christ, Virgin Birth and etc. by changing, subtracting and adding words, even removing whole verses.   I will say this though, one should not read the King James Bible because it is easier to read, rather they should read it because it is the pure words of God--unlike the new versions, which corrupt doctrines and use corrupt manuscripts that have been altered by the Catholic church and man's philosophy (Westcott & Hort).

Many people have said that the "thee's and thou's" are hard to understand for them, which is absolutely ludicrous because they are simply pronouns. These words are said to be archaic and obsolete, but that is incorrect. The "thee's and thou's" are poetic forms used in religious language and was never common street language. The "thee and thou" pronouns actually play an important role in scripture by preserving important distinctions that are necessary. Thee's and you's distinguish who is present for the context. If all thee's are changed to "you", the reader may not understand if it is speaking to one or many making the context confusing. Thee's and ye's make the Bible more accurate and easier to understand, while protecting the context.  Below is a list showing the importance of the King James Bible pronouns.

                       NOM           OBJ             POSS

1st     singular       I             Me          My (or mine)
          plural         We           Us         Our (or ours)

2nd   singular     Thou         Thee        Thy (or thine)
            plural        Ye           You       Your (or yours)

3rd    singular  He/She/It    Him/Her/It      His/Hers/Its
            plural       They          Them        Their (or theirs)